How to write a mail to HR ask about update on joining date

Sample: 1

Subject: Request for Update on Joining Date - Long Delay Since Accepting Offer

Dear [HR Manager's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the status of my joining date for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. It has been approximately eight months since I accepted the offer, and I would greatly appreciate an update on when I can expect to commence my employment.

When I accepted the offer letter, I was filled with excitement and anticipation to join [Company Name]. However, the prolonged delay has caused some uncertainty and concern regarding the start of my journey with the organization. I understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but I believe that communication regarding the delay is essential for maintaining transparency and clarity.

During the extended waiting period, I have continued to keep myself prepared and motivated for this role. I have been updating my skills and knowledge to ensure a smooth transition and a valuable contribution to the team. However, the lack of a confirmed joining date has made it challenging for me to plan my career and personal commitments.

I kindly request your assistance in providing an update on the expected joining date. It would be extremely helpful to receive an explanation for the prolonged delay and any steps that are being taken to address the situation. Additionally, if there are any pending formalities or documents that require my attention, please let me know, and I will be more than willing to promptly fulfill them.

I understand that unforeseen circumstances can impact organizational processes, and I am committed to working together with [Company Name] to ensure a successful onboarding experience. I genuinely value this opportunity and believe that open and transparent communication is vital in building a strong foundation for our professional relationship.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I sincerely appreciate your understanding and look forward to receiving an update on my joining date as soon as possible. If there are any further details or information required from my end, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]

[Contact Information]

Sample: 2

Subject: Request for Update on Joining Date

Dear [HR Manager's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to kindly request an update regarding my joining date for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. As the previously communicated joining date is approaching, I would greatly appreciate any information or updates you can provide in this regard.

I understand that there may be various factors involved in finalizing the joining process, and I want to assure you of my eagerness and enthusiasm to begin my employment at [Company Name]. I have been diligently preparing myself for the role and I am excited to contribute my skills and experience to the team.

In order to make the necessary arrangements and adequately prepare for my transition, it would be immensely helpful to have a confirmed date for joining. Understanding that there may be certain logistical or administrative considerations, I would be grateful if you could provide me with an estimate or any details that may assist in planning my start.

I would also like to express my willingness to provide any additional information or complete any pending formalities promptly. Please let me know if there are any outstanding documents or tasks that need my attention before the joining date.

I genuinely appreciate your efforts in facilitating a smooth onboarding process, and I am confident in the organization's commitment to ensuring a successful integration for new employees. I am eager to make a positive contribution to [Company Name], and I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to join the team.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving an update on my joining date at your earliest convenience. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is any additional information or action required from my end.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name]
[Contact Information]

Sample: 3


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