[solved] Problem retrieving safeNet Token 7

 I have faced this problem when I tried to authentication of mobile number using firebase in my android project. 


This problem is due to You have not added SHA-1 and SHA-256 certification in your firebase project.

To do this follow the step:

1: First find the SHA certificate 

  •    Go to the Android Studio
  •    Go to your project 
  •    click the arrow [showed in below picture]


  •    select 'edit configuration'
  •    click the '+' icon in the left corner
  •    Select Gradle

  •   type 'signingReport' in the Task box
  •   and click apply button
  •   go and run the project
  •   you can get SHA-1 and SHA-256 in console

2: Add SHA certificate to the firebase:

  •    go to firebase console
  •    go to the project
  •    go to the project setting
  •    scroll down and click on 'add fingerprint'
  •    copy the SHA-1 from android studio and paste here and save
  •    again click on 'add fingerprint'
  •    add the SHA-256 and save

Now go to the app and run your app, the issue will resolved.


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